Vizualizar Versăo Completa : Atualizaçőes Cruiser Box ou Dongle

28/09/2006, 10:29:43
Atualizaçőes Cruiser Box ou Dongle

Topico aberto para postarem somente informaçőes de atualizaçăo da Cruiser.

Cruiser V10 (Big Uptade) 28-09-2006

Para baixar a nova versăo basta clicar em cada link baixo:

Login = Cruiser
Senha = Cruiser

Cruiser_v10.00_installer ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

CruiserFWRestore_v1.06_installer ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

CruiserSupplementary_v1.00_installer ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Informaçőes do Uptade:

Version 10.00 (28th September 2006, 91st release):

· Implemented complete support for programming DB2020 emptyboards.

· Enabled flashing of DB2020 CID49 phones, although for customizing an EMMA smartcard is required.

· Added support for customizing DB2020-based phones by means of an EMMA smartcard.

· Added support for manipulating filesystem of DB2020-based phones by means of an EMMA smartcard.

· Updated built-in customizations for K610, K790, K800, W850 and Z610.

· Updated built-in customizations for W300 and K310.

· Added support for red CID49 DB2020 "EROM Upgrade". It is accessible via the Repair EROM button.

· Updated langpack description for K310 and K800. More later on.

· Minor change to the Replace certificate function.

· Updated TAC list for J220i, K300i, K310i, K510i, K610i, K750i, K800i, T106, W300i, W550i, W810i, Z300i, Z525a and Z530i.

· Several applets updated.

· Fixed some communication issues.

· Added K750/W800 testpoint images.

· Added support for identification of Ericsson-based Sagem phones (CID38).

Postem Resultados !!!

04/11/2006, 11:47:47
Uptade Cruiser 10.1 03-11-2006

Nova atualizaçăo para Cruiser Box e Dongle Cruiser.

o Added support for DB2020-flashing server.
o Updated TAC list for K610i, V630i, Z550i.
o Fixed minor certificate repair issue.

Clica no link abaixo para fazer o download.

Cruiser_Installer_V10.1[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] (1[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Login e Senha para fazer o download:

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser

04/11/2006, 11:48:41
Uptade Cruiser 10.1 03-11-2006

Nova atualizaçăo para Cruiser Box e Dongle Cruiser.

o Added support for DB2020-flashing server.
o Updated TAC list for K610i, V630i, Z550i.
o Fixed minor certificate repair issue.

Clica no link abaixo para fazer o download.

Cruiser_Installer_V10.1 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Login e Senha para fazer o download:

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser

04/11/2006, 11:56:56
Uptade Cruiser V10.2 04-11-2006

Fixed applet selection issue.
Several applets updated.
Updated built-in customizations.
Updated TAC list for J230i, K310i, K608i, K750i, K790i, K800i, W300i, W710i, W810i, W850i and Z610i.

Baixe a nova versăo no link abaixo:

Cruiser_Installer_V10.2 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

CruiserFWRestore_V1.07 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Login e Senha para baixar os arquivos:

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser

05/11/2006, 11:37:56
Uptade Cruiser V10.3 04-11-2006

Verbosity increased a little.
Minor changes to the Settings window.
Fixed occasional GDFS configuration mismatch errors.

Baixe a nova versăo no link abaixo:

Cruiser_Installer_V10.3 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Login e Senha para download:

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser

Instale também os seguintes softwares:

Cruiser_FWRestore_V1.07 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

CruiserSupplementary_v1.00 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

14/11/2006, 09:20:37
Cruiser V10.4 13-11-2004

· Updated TAC list for K310i, K510i, K800i and Z530i.

· Several internal software modules were updated.

· Increased client/server communication code robustness.

· Minor change to UI.

Cruiser_v10.04_installer, clica aqui para baixar !!! ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

18/11/2006, 12:28:44
Cruiser Versăo 10.5 15-11-2006

Installers should remember last installation folders now.
Phone color and CID should be displayed correctly for DB2020 phones.
Fixed a bug related to GDFS operations.
Fixed an issue regarding identity change in some DB2010 phones. Not finished yet.
Added support for connecting to server by means of a SOCKS4 proxy server.
Added Alternate way option for server connection.

Baixe a nova versăo nos Link abaixo:

Login = cruiser
senha = cruiser

Cruiser_v10.05_installer_TEST_VERSION ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

CruiserFWRestore_v1.08_installer ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

CruiserSupplementary_v1.02_installer ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

06/12/2006, 12:23:56
Cruiser Installer V10.7 & Cruiser Restore V1.10 (06-12-2006)

Added support for Z558 phones.
Updated W710, Z558 and Z710 built-in customizations.
Updated TAC list for K618i, M600i, P990i, W300i and W950i.

Link para download abaixo:

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser

Cruiser_V10.7_Installer, clica aqui para baixar ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Cruiser_Restore_V1.10_installer, clica aqui para baixar ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

14/12/2006, 06:34:07
Cruiser Versăo 10.8 12-11-2006

Fixed bug in several GDFS operations, occasionally affecting DB2020 phones.
Reset flip counter functionality has been enabled for more phone types.
Enable GSM/3G selection menu functionality has been enabled for more phone types.
Increased client/server communication code robustness.

Login e Senha para fazer download abaixo:

Login : cruiser
Senha : cruiser

Cruiser_v10.08_installer, Baixe a nova versăo, clicando aqui !!! ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

18/12/2006, 08:08:40
ja saiu a 10.9

20/12/2006, 07:03:41
Cruiser versăo 10.10 (19-12-2006)

Added support for DB201x phones with disabled support for intrinsic ROM commands - this is going to be further optimized.
Fixed one bug from the previous version.
Updated TAC list for K610i.
Updated languagepack descriptions for K610/K790/K800. The information is applicable to more DB2020 models.
Note: In the case of encountering any problems it is recommended to use version 10.08 instead.

Login e Senha para download:

Login: cruiser
Senha: cruiser

Cruiser_V10.10_installer, clica aqui para baixar !!! ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

junior celular
11/01/2007, 11:54:31
ei cara como vou baixa esse programa eu nâo tenho a senha
manda para mim

11/01/2007, 12:27:20
ei cara como vou baixa esse programa eu nâo tenho a senha
manda para mim

é so ler o q esta escrito

Login e Senha para download:

Login: cruiser
Senha: cruiser

25/01/2007, 04:07:15
Versăo 10.31 Beta (25-01- 2007):

Added support for loading *.ck80sw and *.ck80fs flash files in addition to *.ck8sw and *.ck8fs.

Versăo 10.30 Beta (24-01- 2007):

Updated several applets (CID50 and CID51).
Added support for the DCU-60 cable.
Added support for conversion from red CID49 DB2020 to red CID51 (costs one credit).
Added support for new DB2020 phones with baseband id 0x9901.
Added Identify option when booting a phone.
Updated built-in customizations.
Updated TAC list for J220i, K750i, W810i, W850i and Z300a.
Fixed minor issue when reading GDFS zones.
The installer has been updated, EPI USB drivers have been replaced by new USB Flash Device drivers.

Nova versăo pode ser localizada para download nos seguintes link:

1. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
2. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
3. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser

26/01/2007, 10:14:26
Nova versăo 10.32 pode ser localizada para download nos seguintes link:

1. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
2. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
3. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser

27/01/2007, 11:27:11
Cruiser Versă0 10.32 (26-01-2007)

Updated TAC list for J220a, K310a, K310i and K610im.
Made several changes to the boot code (work still in progress - to allow more features to be added).
Added support for R3A011 EROM upgrade to R3A016 via DCU-60 cable.
Help file updated (EROM upgrade via DCU-60 and red CID49 to CID51 upgrade).

Vocę pode encontrar a nova versăo para download nos link abaixo:

1. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
2. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
3. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser

27/01/2007, 03:04:56
Cruiser Versăo 10.33 (27-01-2007)

Updated TAC list for K800i.
Built-in customizations updated.
Made several changes to the boot code.

Versăo pode ser baixado no link abaixo:

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

login: cruiser
senha: cruiser

26/02/2007, 03:11:03
Cruiser Versăo 10.36 (14-02-2007)

Corrigido diversos bugs.

Versăo pode ser baixado no link abaixo:

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

login: cruiser
senha: cruiser

02/03/2007, 08:22:12
Cruiser Versăo 10.38 (02-03-2007)

Fixed an issue with customizing W880 phones.

Updated TAC list for K750i and Z530i.

Minor architectural changes.

Built-in customizations updated.

Updated TAC list for K550i and W880i.

Minor changes to UI (FS customization related).

Added Default flash folder option to the Settings window.

Nova versăo pode ser baixado no link abaixo:

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Login: cruiser
Senha: cruiser

04/03/2007, 09:40:26
Cruiser Versăo 10.39 (04-03-2007)

· Built-in customizations updated.

· Minor changes to UI.

Nova versăo pode ser baixado no link abaixo:

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Login: cruiser
Senha: cruiser

26/03/2007, 10:51:19
Cruiser Versăo 10.40 (26-03-2007)

· Added support for DB2020 CID52.

· Added support for DB2012 CID51.

· Added support for conversion from red CID49/CID51 DB2020 to red CID52. It is enabled for K610, K618, K800, V630 and Z610 phones only.

· Updated TAC list for K550i, T630, T65s, T68i, W300i, W810i and Z550i.

· Reverted back to previous version of network component.

· Built-in customizations updated.

Cruiser Versăo 10.40, clica aqui para baixar !!! ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Năo esqueça de instalar a nova versăo do Cruiser Supplementary Files 1.03 (26-03-2007)

Cruiser Supplementary Files 1.03, clica aqui para baixar !!! ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Nova versăo pode ser localizada para download nos seguintes link:

1. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
2. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
3. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser

03/04/2007, 12:26:46
Cruiser versăo 10.41 e Supplementary versăo 1.04 (02.04.07)

. Added support for conversion from K800 to K810.

· Some more phone types can be converted to CID52.

· Minor changes to UI.

Cruiser Versăo 10.41, clica aqui para baixar !!! ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Năo esqueça de instalar a nova versăo do Cruiser Supplementary Files 1.04 (02.04.2007)

Cruiser Supplementary Files 1.04, clica aqui para baixar !!! ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Nova versăo pode ser localizada para download nos seguintes link:

1. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
2. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
3. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser

16/04/2007, 06:41:11
Cruiser versăo 10.42, SE Z310 agora suportado (16-04-2006)

Added support for the PNX5230 platform (flashing, GDFS and FS operations).
CID49/CID51 to CID52 is enabled for all DB2020 phone types from now on.
Updated TAC list for K310i, K510i, K750i, K800i, T290i, W200a, W300i, Z550a, Z550i and Z610i.
Fixed minor issue related to K550im and W200a phones.

Cruiser versăo 10.42 para download aqui !!! ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Ou pode ser baixo no link's abaixo:

1. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
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Login: Cruiser
Senha: Cruiser

18/04/2007, 04:48:56
Os link adcionados para instalaçăo da Cruiser nao esta dando pagina nao disponivel, os seguintes log nao dá tentei varias vezes.

Login = Cruiser
Senha = Cruiser

JOZIAS CELULAR Soluçőes Inteligente Para Novos Caminhos...

18/04/2007, 06:23:38
Os link adcionados para instalaçăo da Cruiser nao esta dando pagina nao disponivel, os seguintes log nao dá tentei varias vezes.

Login = Cruiser
Senha = Cruiser

JOZIAS CELULAR Soluçőes Inteligente Para Novos Caminhos...

Manual de Instalaçăo em: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Arquivos pode ser baixados em: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser

Utilize O DAP (Download Accelerator Plus) para baixar os arquivos : [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

18/04/2007, 09:15:13
Fiz a instalaçăo da Cruiser conforme explicado instalei os executaveis Cruiser_v10.41_instller.exe e CruiserFWRestore_v1.10_inst.., reiniciei o computer, pluguei a box no cabo, pediu o drive mandei procurar na pasta cruiser em arquivos de programas, cheguei a esperar mais 1 hora e nada, ai fica procurando e nada.

JOZIAS CELULAR Soluçőes Inteligente Para Novos Caminhos...

18/04/2007, 09:24:43
Fiz a instalaçăo da Cruiser conforme explicado instalei os executaveis Cruiser_v10.41_instller.exe e CruiserFWRestore_v1.10_inst.., reiniciei o computer, pluguei a box no cabo, pediu o drive mandei procurar na pasta cruiser em arquivos de programas, cheguei a esperar mais 1 hora e nada, ai fica procurando e nada.

JOZIAS CELULAR Soluçőes Inteligente Para Novos Caminhos...

duvidas e problemas de instalaçăo da box, poste no topico correto.

Este topico é apenas sobre atualizaçőes da Cruiser.

18/04/2007, 09:57:52
Deveria ter colocado este link quando foi responder primeiro tópico, e tăo simples

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JOZIAS CELULAR Soluçőes Inteligente Para Novos Caminhos...

18/04/2007, 10:10:14
Eu acho que vocę năo chegou a ler a primeira mensagem postada por nós.

Olhe o que foi postado:

Manual de Instalaçăo em: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

clique no link que vocę vai ver que vai ser mostrado o mesmo tutorial do link que vocę postou.

06/07/2007, 08:37:47
nova versao!!! Cruiser_v11.05_installer.rar

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loguin cruiser
senha cruiser

06/07/2007, 08:57:04
Nova versăo 10.32 pode ser localizada para download nos seguintes link:

1. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
2. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
3. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser
Ultima versăo já está em 11.05 de 17/06/2007

06/07/2007, 09:01:02
Nova versăo 10.32 pode ser localizada para download nos seguintes link:

1. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
2. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
3. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser
Ultima versăo já está em 11.05 de 17/06/2007

basta ler meu ultimo post!! com a 11.5

31/07/2007, 11:49:21
Cruiser Plus, Version 11.06

* Updated TAC list for K510i, K550i, K610i, K750i, S500i, V630i, W300i, W710i, W810i, Z310a, Z310i, Z710i, LG U8330i. [also in Cruiser]
* Fixed an issue with some DB2012 phones. [also in Cruiser]
* Built-in customizations updated. [also in Cruiser]
* Reenabled flashing of MBN and FBN flash files (at your own risk, of course). [also in Cruiser]
* The latest DB2012 security scheme has been updated to the latest level of DB2020 security, therefore code reading functionality is completely disabled until we find out correct solution to this problem.
* Since Cruiser Plus became too large to be maintained effectively (it consists of cca 20MB of source code), more than a half year ago we decided to create a separate application. Current Cruiser Plus users will be able to use all features of this application immediately, with no additional costs.

Login: cruiser
Senha: cruiser

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

22/08/2007, 05:08:23
legal a nova atualizaçăo da cruiser já pode fazer flash nos modelos cid 52.isso e muito bom agoravamos agardar o desbloqueio do cid 52 tambem.

22/08/2007, 05:46:58
Cruiser Plus Versăo 12.00 (22-08-2007)

we have released new version of Cruiser Plus (-07 cards) v12.00 with added free support of standalone (no internet connection needed) flashing and customizing of DB2020 CID49/51/52 phones.

Here is complete news:

Added free support for standalone flashing and customizing of DB2020 CID49/51/52 phones (without changing CID). More shortly.
Updated TAC list for W810i. [also in Cruiser]
Built-in customizations updated. [also in Cruiser]

You can download it from our support areas or directly via this link:

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Cruiser_v12.00_installer para download aqui !!! ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Ou pode ser baixo no link's abaixo:

1. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
2. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]
3. [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Login: Cruiser
Senha: Cruiser

jefferson barbosa
27/08/2007, 04:24:31
Amigos saiu hoje a versao 12.01

·Added free support for standalone flashing and customizing of DB2012 CID50/51/52 phones (without changing CID).
·Added free support for standalone flashing and customizing of PNX5230 CID51/52 phones (without changing CID).

28/08/2007, 12:54:30
Cruiser Plus Version 12.01(27-08-2007)

Added free support for standalone flashing and customizing of DB2012 CID50/51/52 phones (without changing CID).
Added free support for standalone flashing and customizing of PNX5230 CID51/52 phones (without changing CID).
Built-in customizations updated. [also in Cruiser]

Nova versăo para download aqui: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Login = cruiser
Senha = cruiser

24/09/2007, 04:14:05
Nova atualizaçăo pra cruiser Versăo 12.10
[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

19/11/2007, 01:53:20
Cruiser Versăo 13.00 - SE DB2020 CID52 Unlock by Patch via LOG

Version 13.00 (19th November 2007):

· Added support for non-CSCA unlocking of DB2020 red CID52 phones. This solution is protectable. Supported interfaces are DCU-60 and DCU-65.

· Added support for Windows Vista.

· Fixed minor issue with some DB2012 phones.

· Fixed a bug related to smartcard/server communication - caused by adding preliminary support for Vista to the previous version [also in Cruiser]

· Updated TAC list for K800i, K810i, W580i. [also in Cruiser]

how to unlock :

This procedure unlocks (and/or reflashes) red CID52 DB2020 phones.


· Ensure the phone battery is fully charged.
· Make a GDFS backup using our DB2020 GDFS reader software [for free].
· Make a security zone backup using our DB2020 GDFS reader software [for free].
· Ensure you have enough server credits available

Unlocking procedure:

· Turn the phone on, then by pressing the >*<<*<* "secret" key sequence enter phone service menu. Go to the Service info submenu, then select the Software info item. Write down the first 2 or 3 lines describing the phone firmware version.
· Attach the phone normally, preferably via DCU-60 or DCU-65 cable.
· Go to the Security RSA tab and press the Unlock RSA button. Several server credits will be deducted during the operation.
The procedure takes cca 5 minutes to finish and you will be asked to disconnect the phone and reinsert its battery two times at the end of the operation.
· Note: Now the main firmware is overwritten, so it has to be reflashed by a suitable main FW flash file.
· Flash the main firmware and raw filesystem to the phone. CID and certificate color do not matter at all.
· Now go to the Locks tab and press the Direct Unlock button.
· Customize the phone. For free, no server credit will be deducted.
· Now turn the phone off (e.g. by pressing the <Ctrl> key combination).


· The raw filesystem flash and phone customization steps may be left out provided that you reflash the phone by exactly the same main firmware version as you have written down in the first step.

you can download v13.00 from support area .


PS: Rapidshare link for Cruiser v13.00: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Obs.: Cada Unlock DB2020 CID52 é gasto 4 créditos.

25/11/2007, 10:15:07
Cruiser Versăo 13.01 ( 24-11-2007)

Added an unprotectable solution for unlocking DB2020 red CID52 phones. No server credits are deducted. One has to enable it in the Unlock options of the Server tab in the Settings window.
This is actually the method developed by SoftMobile/Griffin team, then stolen and finally released completely for free by laser.
By this idiotic move we were forced to release the CID52 solution totally unprotected.
Updated TAC list for K510i, K530i, K550i, K750c, K770i, W200i, W300i, W580i, W610i, W810i and Z310a. (also in Cruiser)
Updated communication component. (also in Cruiser)

Link para download da nova versăo:
[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

login = cruiser
senha = cruiser

26/03/2008, 03:13:43

26/03/2008, 04:50:41
Cruiser Version 13.02_(26-03-2008)

Link para Download:

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Somente Lembrando

Login: cruiser
Senha: cruiser

Sergio Ricardo Braga
16/04/2008, 02:33:30
Cruiser Suite All-In-One installer v1.01
Dear all,

we have just finished most wanted Cruiser Suite All-In-One installer v1.01, which contains latest versions of all Cruiser Suite components:

* Cruiser Suite SE A2 Flasher
* Cruiser Suite SE PDA Flasher
* Cruiser Suite SE Locosto Flasher
* Cruiser Suite SE Calypso Flasher & Unlocker
* Cruiser Suite SE PNX Unlocker
* Cruiser Suite PDA CDA Changer
* Cruiser Suite PDA Info Reader
* Cruiser Suite PDA Unlocker
* Cruiser Suite Testpoint Unlocker
* Documentation PDFs"

*Link para download:
[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

22/04/2008, 05:09:38
cruiser vesao 13.10 ( 22/04/08 )

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22/04/2008, 07:08:55
O que a de Novo v.13.10 Cruiser

Version 13.10 (22nd April 2008, 130th release):

· Added support for flashing red CID53 DB2020 phones.

· Updated built-in customizations.

· Updated TAC list for K800i.

· More phone types are now supported when upgrading to CID52.

· Several internal software modules have been updated

25/04/2008, 09:28:33
Cruiser Version 13.11_(23-04-2008)

Link para Download:

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Somente Lembrando

Login: cruiser
Senha: cruiser

04/07/2008, 03:09:46
cruiser 13.20[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

04/07/2008, 03:27:17
cruiser 13.20[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]


Acabamos liberada nova versão do Cruiser + v13.20. Aqui está a liberação info:

Cruiser software suporta agora Cruiser-20 UC por cabo. Atualizado built-in personalizações. [também na Cruiser]
Atualizado TAC lista para K320i, K530i, K770i, K800i, S500i, W200i, W380i, W580i, W610i, W660i. [também na Cruiser]
Corrigido um erro relacionado ao menor W350 telefones. [também na Cruiser]
Resolvido um problema com alguns telefones DB2012. [também na Cruiser]
Vários módulos de software interno foram atualizados. [também na Cruiser]

sidnei praes drumond
19/07/2008, 07:26:15
Caro amigo Joăo Paulo, poderia se possivel postar o procedimento para poder baixar a versăo 13.20, pois já tentei diversas vezes e năo tive exito.:confused:

19/07/2008, 10:29:46
Caro amigo João Paulo, poderia se possivel postar o procedimento para poder baixar a versão 13.20, pois já tentei diversas vezes e não tive exito.:confused:

Muito simples, é só fazer o Download no link abaixo:

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Se obter duvidas poste.

31/10/2008, 08:50:49
a cruiser năo ia ficar para tras ta ai a nova versăo semc A2 free"Ultimate Unlockers v3.03 Beta"sera nescessário a cruiser card ID 7 segue o link [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

13/01/2009, 02:34:45
Cruiser Suite S1 Flasher & Unlocker v1.00 released
Hello all,
we have just released brand new component of Cruiser Suite ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]). Cruiser Suite S1 Flasher & Unlocker ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) allows you to perform safe flashing and unlocking of most Sony Ericsson S1 - Locosto platform based phones. This application requires Cruiser Suite dongle and It's a standalone application (does not require a server account).
We also uploaded gigabytes of latest flash files and customizations for Locosto platform phones. Everything is in our Downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
Currently supported platforms:

S1 - Locosto
Currently supported phones:

J132, K330, R300, R306, T250, T270, T280, T303, Z250, Z320

Supports free flashing and unlock by patch of S1 Locosto Sony-Ericsson phones
Supported cable types: Cruiser UC10 box, Cruiser UC20 box and their clones.
unlocking of new hardware revision will be released soon

Working instructions:

Select phone type.
Add flash files.
Choose signed or unsigned mode of operation.
For unsigned mode, you can choose to unlock the phone (by patch).
Double-click on the serial cable in device list.
Connect the phone when the "Connect the phone now" message appears.
Wait until the procedure finishes.
Disconnect the phone and reconnect the battery.

Flash file categories:

FW - main firmware
LP - language pack
Cust - customization

The S1 Flasher & Unlocker and flash files can be downloaded from our Downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
Note: S1 Flasher & Unlocker replaces the older Locosto Flasher ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])


author: Cruiser Suite Team | 1/13/2009 2:54:00 PM

13/01/2009, 06:03:46
alguém sabe onde comprar esse cabo uc10 ???

Cruiser Suite S1 Flasher & Unlocker v1.00 released
Hello all,
we have just released brand new component of Cruiser Suite ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]). Cruiser Suite S1 Flasher & Unlocker ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) allows you to perform safe flashing and unlocking of most Sony Ericsson S1 - Locosto platform based phones. This application requires Cruiser Suite dongle and It's a standalone application (does not require a server account).
We also uploaded gigabytes of latest flash files and customizations for Locosto platform phones. Everything is in our Downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

Currently supported platforms:

S1 - Locosto
Currently supported phones:

J132, K330, R300, R306, T250, T270, T280, T303, Z250, Z320

Supports free flashing and unlock by patch of S1 Locosto Sony-Ericsson phones
Supported cable types: Cruiser UC10 box, Cruiser UC20 box and their clones.
unlocking of new hardware revision will be released soon
Working instructions:

Select phone type.
Add flash files.
Choose signed or unsigned mode of operation.
For unsigned mode, you can choose to unlock the phone (by patch).
Double-click on the serial cable in device list.
Connect the phone when the "Connect the phone now" message appears.
Wait until the procedure finishes.
Disconnect the phone and reconnect the battery.
Flash file categories:

FW - main firmware
LP - language pack
Cust - customization
The S1 Flasher & Unlocker and flash files can be downloaded from our Downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
Note: S1 Flasher & Unlocker replaces the older Locosto Flasher ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])


author: Cruiser Suite Team | 1/13/2009 2:54:00 PM

14/01/2009, 01:54:39
alguém sabe onde comprar esse cabo uc10 ???
eu uso uc-20 cruiser adaptado test point box na cruiser plus 13.20 e no cruiser suite e funcciona beleza em alguns modelo para desbloqueio,flash e reparo via test point. vc vai encontrar na ligtel.

21/01/2009, 05:11:15
S1 Flasher & Unlocker v1.01 released
Dear all,

we have just released a new version of Cruiser Suite SE S1 Flasher & Unlocker ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) v1.01. Free and simple flashing of all S1 Neptune phones (models F305, S302, W302) is now supported.
Moreover we uploaded another package of latest flash files to our Downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]). S1 Locosto & Neptune flash files are included. This application requires Cruiser Suite dongle ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

SE S1 Flasher & Unlocker

Supports free and simple flashing of S1 Neptune based Sony Ericsson phones (models F305, S302, W302)
Supports free flashing and unlock by patch of S1 Locosto based Sony Ericsson phones
Is a component of Cruiser Suite ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]). Once you own Cruiser Suite dongle ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]), you can use all other components in the Cruiser Suite package.
Supported cable types: Cruiser UC10 box, Cruiser UC20 box and their clones; DCU-60, DCU-65 (all Neptune phones, some Locosto phones).

The S1 Flasher & Unlocker v1.01 and flash files can be downloaded from our Downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or directly from these links:

Uploaded.to download link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])
FileFactory.com download link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])
RapidShare.com download link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (can be downloaded 10 times but reuploaded by everybody as many times as you want)

Working instructions:

Select phone type.
Add flash files.
Choose signed or unsigned mode of operation.
For unsigned mode, you can choose to unlock the phone (by patch).
Double-click on the serial cable in device list.
Connect the phone when the "Connect the phone now" message appears.
Wait until the procedure finishes.
Disconnect the phone and reconnect the battery.

Flash file categories:

FW - main firmware
LP - language pack
Cust - customization

Version 1.01 [090120]

Added support for flashing of S1 Neptune phones (models F305, S302, W302)
(Signed mode only)
Minor fixes
Version 1.00

Supports free flashing and unlock by patch of S1 Locosto Sony-Ericsson phones
Supported cable types: Cruiser UC10 box, Cruiser UC20 box and their clones.
Unlocking of new hardware revision will be released soon

author: Cruiser Suite Team | 1/21/2009 12:18:00 PM

28/01/2009, 04:40:48
28/01/2009: CruiserSuite A2 Flasher 1.09 released - Added support for DB3200 and more

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] New release: CruiserSuite SE A2 Flasher 1.09 - a component of Cruiser Suite ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) - the world best tool for servicing SonyEricsson platform based phones. All owners of Cruiser card (-06 or -07) can use it easily for flashing SonyEricsson A2 platform phones.


Latest release: Version 1.09 [090128]

Added support for new DB3200 platform
Added an option to disable flash chip error checking (ECC mode 0).
It is intended to force flashing phones with obviously faulty flash chips.
As usually, SETool just shamelessly lies about this feature.
No software can fully repair such phones, the fault will certainly show up again.
Remember to always use a fully charged battery to avoid as many flash failures as possible.
Prefer using a fully charged battery to using ECC mode 0 with a weak battery
Loaders updated
GUI updated
To download latest version, visit our official Downloads section by clicking here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Version 1.08 [081208]

Fixed a smartcard related issue
Minor changes to customization procedure
Version 1.07 [081205]

Added support for the latest USB Flash Driver version (
Flashing speed improved
Enabled support for old Cruiser -06 dongles
Enabled support for decompressing customization ZIP files to phone FS
Loaders upgraded
GUI updated
Version 1.06 [081007]

Loaders upgraded to version R2A065
Added support for DB3210 C905 and G705 phones
DB3150 phone list updated
Version 1.05 [080923]

Loaders upgraded to version R2A064
Internal updates related to Ultimate Unlocker release
Lots of internal improvements
Version 1.04 [080623]

Chinese GUI updated
Loaders upgraded to version R2A059[/b]

Latest version is availabe also at our official Download section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) at [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

For more information about Cruiser Suite A2 Flasher click here ... ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])
For more information about SonyEricsson S1 Neptune / Locosto full unlocking support, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
For more information about whole Cruiser Suite project, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).


[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

30/01/2009, 09:52:08
Cruiser Suite SE Full Unlocker v2.32 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) & D-Unlocker v2.32 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) have just been released at official CruiserSuite.com downloads section. ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

CruiserSuite SE Full Unlocker / D-Unlocker official release notes:

Latest release: Version 2.32

* Added serial interface support (S1 Neptune and S1 Locosto phones)
* Fixed unock of DB3200/DB3210 platform phones
* Minor updates

Previous release: Version 2.31

* Added support for full (permanent) unlocking S1 Neptune and S1 Locosto phones (Neptune phones: F305, S302, W302)
* Loaders updated
* Added button "Get credit info"
* New feature - Generating Card activation ID for server registration (after pressing "Get credit info" button)
* Requires Supreme credits

Platforms S1 Neptune and S1 Locosto unlocking is supported in the Single phase mode. Just run the application and

* connect the phone via the USB cable while holding its 'C' button.
* or doble-click on the serial cable in the device list and connect the phone

CruiserSuite SE Full Unlocker - application requires any Cruiser card. S1 full unlock consumption is 0.4 supreme credits. More information can be found here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

D-Unlocker - application doesn't require any card. You simply download, install, put supreme credits account details and work. S1 full unlock consumption is 0.45 supreme credits. More information about D-Unlocker can be found by clicking here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

To read more about CruiserSuite - world best service tool for SonyEricssons - click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
To see all latest News & Updates click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

12/02/2009, 05:17:58
testei esse programa hoje, é simples e funcional. A Cruiser tá se levantando !!!

Cruiser Suite S1 Flasher & Unlocker v1.00 released
Hello all,
we have just released brand new component of Cruiser Suite ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]). Cruiser Suite S1 Flasher & Unlocker ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) allows you to perform safe flashing and unlocking of most Sony Ericsson S1 - Locosto platform based phones. This application requires Cruiser Suite dongle and It's a standalone application (does not require a server account).
We also uploaded gigabytes of latest flash files and customizations for Locosto platform phones. Everything is in our Downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

Currently supported platforms:

S1 - Locosto
Currently supported phones:

J132, K330, R300, R306, T250, T270, T280, T303, Z250, Z320

Supports free flashing and unlock by patch of S1 Locosto Sony-Ericsson phones
Supported cable types: Cruiser UC10 box, Cruiser UC20 box and their clones.
unlocking of new hardware revision will be released soon
Working instructions:

Select phone type.
Add flash files.
Choose signed or unsigned mode of operation.
For unsigned mode, you can choose to unlock the phone (by patch).
Double-click on the serial cable in device list.
Connect the phone when the "Connect the phone now" message appears.
Wait until the procedure finishes.
Disconnect the phone and reconnect the battery.
Flash file categories:

FW - main firmware
LP - language pack
Cust - customization
The S1 Flasher & Unlocker and flash files can be downloaded from our Downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
Note: S1 Flasher & Unlocker replaces the older Locosto Flasher ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])


author: Cruiser Suite Team | 1/13/2009 2:54:00 PM

05/03/2009, 02:57:20
!!! First in the world again !!!
While other teams' dongle-based solutions keep getting blocked by our fellow Sony Ericsson guys (and gals), we bring an alternative 24/7 online instant-unlock solution for new security S1 Locosto and S1 Neptune phones. No more scheduling, no more waiting. Just one word: RELIABLE.
S1 Flasher & Unlocker ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) has now a new unique feature - Unlock-by-Patch via Server, in signed mode.

All you need is an account on the Cruiser Suite ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) server and some Supreme Credits ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
If you do not need this feature, you can still use the application without it, completely standalone.
Supreme credits consumption for new security S1 platform is the same as in SE Full Unlocker (click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] _full) to see the consumption policy table).
Version 2.00 [090305]

Unique feature: Unlock-by-patch via Server
Supports all S1 Locosto and S1 Neptune with new security
Instant and available 24/7 - no more scheduling & waiting
Fast patching of your current firmware or flash-and-patch at once
Minor updates
Download from our Downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

A fraction of supreme credit is consumed prior to the unlock procedure to prevent resource abuse. If anything goes wrong, credit stays consumed. In such case we recommend to proceed with flash-and-unlock using a verified firmware. Those can be downloaded from our support area.
You will probably hear the_laser discreditively talking about this original solution. It is because he will not able to do anything else.

05/03/2009, 11:07:19

25/03/2009, 10:48:31
.: New release: S1 Flasher & Unlocker v2.05 - Instant S1 unlock, GUI in many langs :.

Cruiser Suite S1 Flasher & Unlocker v2.05

While other teams' solutions of unlock SonyEricsson S1 platform based phones are mostly offline and unavailable (even though they keep selling their logs), we bring a new update of our alternative 24/7 online proven instant S1 unlock solution. S1 Flasher & Unlocker is now talking to you in many languages. Understanding English is not mandatory anymore.

S1 Flasher & Unlocker has this worldwide unique feature - Unlock-by-Patch via Server, in signed mode.

All you need is an account on the Cruiser Suite server and some Supreme Credits.
If you do not need this feature, you can still use the application without it, completely standalone.
Supreme credits consumption for new security S1 platform is the same as in SE Full Unlocker (click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] _full) to see the consumption policy table).
Supported phone: all S1 Neptune and Locosto phones, including J132, K330, R300, R306, T250, T280, T303, Z250, Z320, F305, S302, W302, W395.

Version 2.05 [090323]

Updated user interface translations (Brazilian Portuguese, Swedish, Vietnamese)
Updated user interface translations (Chinese, Indonesian)
You can switch between languages of S1 Flasher & Unlocker user interface in the Settings tab
Minor fixes

Version 2.03 [090312]

Fixed occasional K330 'Sending loader' issue
Updated user interface translations (Polish)

Version 2.01 [090305]

fixed re-typing of Cruiser Suite server IP issue in Settings.

Version 2.00 [090305]

Unique feature: Unlock-by-patch via Server
Supports all S1 Locosto and S1 Neptune with new security
Instant and available 24/7 - no more scheduling & waiting
Fast patching of your current firmware or flash-and-patch at once
Minor updates
Download from Cruiser Suite Downloads Section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or directly from this Rapidshare.com link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

A fraction of supreme credit is consumed prior to the unlock procedure to prevent resource abuse. If anything goes wrong, credit stays consumed. In such case we recommend to proceed with flash-and-unlock using a verified firmware. Those can be downloaded from our support area. If you need supreme credits, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to visit our resellers list.

Thanks go to all translators.


Cruiser Team

To visit official Cruiser Suite site, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
Click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to visit official Cruiser Suite forum section.

26/03/2009, 07:14:21
pelo que eu entendi essa atualizacao apenas corrige alguns bugs e dá a opçăo de idioma em portuguęs.

26/03/2009, 11:31:56
pelo que eu entendi essa atualizacao apenas corrige alguns bugs e dá a opçăo de idioma em portuguęs.

Exatamente, năo muitas mudanças em funcionamento, mas muita em questăo de melhorias de idioma, para que tem dificuldades em dominar o Inglęs irá ajudar bastante.

12/06/2009, 09:33:51
11/06/2009: CruiserSuite A2 Flasher 1.11 released - Added support for CID53 and more

Dear friends,

we have just released Cruiser Suite A2 Flasher v1.11 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) with enabled support for CID53 phones.

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] CruiserSuite SE A2 Flasher v1.11 [090610]

Enabled support for CID53 phones
Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Indonesian, Polish, Swedish and Vietnamese translations
Loaders updated

Download from the official downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or directly from this Rapidshare.com link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
For more information about Cruiser Suite click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

Older updates info:

Version 1.09 [090128]

Added support for new DB3200 platform
Added an option to disable flash chip error checking (ECC mode 0).
It is intended to force flashing phones with obviously faulty flash chips.
Remember to always use a fully charged battery to avoid as many flash failures as possible.
Prefer using a fully charged battery to using ECC mode 0 with a weak battery
Loaders updated
GUI updated

Version 1.07 [081205]

Added support for the latest USB Flash Driver version (
Flashing speed improved
Enabled support for old Cruiser -06 dongles
Enabled support for decompressing customization ZIP files to phone FS

Version 1.06 [081007]

Loaders upgraded to version R2A065
Added support for DB3210 C905 and G705 phones
DB3150 phone list updated


12/06/2009, 05:18:23
essa atualizaçăo serve somente pra flashear aparelhos, desbloqueio que é bom...

11/06/2009: CruiserSuite A2 Flasher 1.11 released - Added support for CID53 and more

Dear friends,

we have just released Cruiser Suite A2 Flasher v1.11 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) with enabled support for CID53 phones.

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] CruiserSuite SE A2 Flasher v1.11 [090610]

Enabled support for CID53 phones
Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Indonesian, Polish, Swedish and Vietnamese translations
Loaders updated

Download from the official downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or directly from this Rapidshare.com link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
For more information about Cruiser Suite click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

Older updates info:

Version 1.09 [090128]

Added support for new DB3200 platform
Added an option to disable flash chip error checking (ECC mode 0).
It is intended to force flashing phones with obviously faulty flash chips.
Remember to always use a fully charged battery to avoid as many flash failures as possible.
Prefer using a fully charged battery to using ECC mode 0 with a weak battery
Loaders updated
GUI updated
Version 1.07 [081205]

Added support for the latest USB Flash Driver version (
Flashing speed improved
Enabled support for old Cruiser -06 dongles
Enabled support for decompressing customization ZIP files to phone FS
Version 1.06 [081007]

Loaders upgraded to version R2A065
Added support for DB3210 C905 and G705 phones
DB3150 phone list updated

09/07/2009, 04:19:32
Cruiser installer v13.21

· Added support for the latest USB Flash Driver version (

· Updated TAC list for K320i, K530i, K550i, K750i, K770i, K810i, S500i, W200i, W350i, W380i, W580i, W880i, Z310i, Z555i.

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

09/07/2009, 04:21:16
.: Ultimate Unlockers 3.10 ER - Instant Full Unlock of DB3210 CID53 now supported :.

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Hello all!

as it was promised, we bring you new version of popular Ultimate Unlockers - v3.10 (D-Ultimate Unlocker ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) & Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])). The new version is again an Experimental Release (we still don't have locked A2 CID53 phone here).
It is completely safe to use and we expect it will work correctly.

Here is more info :

Experimental version 3.10 [090709]

Added support for full instant unlock of all phones based on DB3210 chipset with CID 53 (C905, G705, W705, C510, W715, C901, C903, W995)
Supports full instant unlock of all phones based on DB3200 chipset with CID 53 (W508, T707)

Consumption of Supreme Credits ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])is the same as for S1 platform based phones ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] ) (0.4 or 0.28 supreme credits for owners of Cruiser Dongle, depending on qty ordered)
Rapidshare download links:

Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker v3.10 Experimental Release ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (requires Cruiser Dongle)
D-Ultimate Unlocker v3.10 Experimental Release ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (non-card application)
Ultimate Unlockers typical features:

Short unlock time - typically 2 unlocks per minute
Instant unlock - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
No modem drivers installation required anymore
Addidtional features:

CID change (downgrade/upgrade)
supports USB DCU-60 and original Fighter/UC10/UC20 boxes + many their clones

10/07/2009, 08:47:34
Ultimate Unlockers v3.11 [090710]

No more experimental release.
Enjoy the instant full unlock of all DB3210 & DB3200 CID53 platform based phones [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Rapidshare download links:

Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker v3.11 (h[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (requires Cruiser Dongle)
D-Ultimate Unlocker v3.11 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (non-card application)

17/07/2009, 02:20:25
.: Ultimate Unlockers 4.01 - Instant Full Unlock of DB3200 & DB3210 CID53 supported:.

Hello all!

we bring you again today a new version of popular Ultimate Unlockers - v4.01 (D-Ultimate Unlocker & Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker).

Ultimate Unlockers v4.01 [090716]

Fixed reconnection problem

Supports full instant unlock of all phones based on DB3210 chipset with CID 53 (C905, G705, W705, C510, W715, C901, C903, W995)
Supports full instant unlock of all phones based on DB3200 chipset with CID 53 (W508, T707)

Full Instant Unlock of A2 CID53 phones requires an account with some portion of Supreme Credits.

Consumption of Supreme Credits only depends on amount of supreme credits purchased at last order.

qty 0.5 - 49.5 supreme credits : Unlock consume 0.4 Supreme Credits
qty 50 - more supreme credits : Unlock consume 0.28 Supreme Credits
This consumption is the same - for platforms A2 CID53 and S1 by using S1 Flasher & Unlocker ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

Rapidshare download links:

Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker v4.01 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (requires Cruiser Dongle)
D-Ultimate Unlocker v4.01 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (non-card application)

Ultimate Unlockers typical features:

Short unlock time - typically 2 unlocks per minute
Instant unlock - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
No modem drivers installation required anymore

Addidtional features:

CID change (downgrade/upgrade)
supports USB DCU-60 and original Fighter/UC10/UC20 boxes + many their clones


28/07/2009, 10:29:49
.: Summer gift for all Cruiser Suite users - 5 days of free unlock of A2 CID53 :.

Hello all,

During these days: 30. July 2009 (Thursday) - 3. August 2009 (Monday, included) Everybody who have at least 1 Supreme Credit and any Cruiser dongle can do full instant unlock of unlimited amount of A2 CID53 for free.Software to use : Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker v4.01What do you need : Cruiser dongle and an account with at least 1 supreme creditWe prepare for you other hot news during following few days [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] To get more information, monitor Cruiser Suite section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) of this forum.

Enjoy !


14/09/2009, 02:28:24
.: Summer gift for all Cruiser Suite users - 5 days of free unlock of A2 CID53 :.

Hello all,

During these days:
30. July 2009 (Thursday) - 3. August 2009 (Monday, included)
Everybody who have at least 1 Supreme Credit and any Cruiser dongle can do full instant unlock of unlimited amount of A2 CID53 for free.
Software to use : Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker v4.01
What do you need : Cruiser dongle and an account with at least 1 supreme credit
We prepare for you other hot news during following few days [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] To get more information, monitor Cruiser Suite section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) of this forum.

Enjoy !


Promoçăo foi prorrogada. Todos podem fazer Free S1-TP desbloquear até quarta-feira 16, 16:00

25/09/2009, 09:21:32
.: News: CruiserSuite A2 Flasher 1.12 released - Added support for SE Aino & Yari :.

Dear friends,

we have just released Cruiser Suite A2 Flasher v1.12 with enabled support for SE DB3350 CID53 phones (Aino ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) & Yari ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])).

CruiserSuite SE A2 Flasher v1.12 [090908]

Enabled support for DB3350 CID53 phones (Aino & Yari)
Updated Italian translation
Loaders updated

Download from the official downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or directly from this Rapidshare.com link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

CruiserSuite format flash files will be available soon
Reminder: CS A2 Flasher can accept also .SSW flash files.

Reminder2: All Cruiser Suite software works with any Cruiser dongle (-06 & -07 supported)

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Older updates info:

Version 1.11 [090610]

Enabled support for CID53 phones
Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Indonesian, Polish, Swedish and Vietnamese translations
Loaders updated

Version 1.09 [090128]

Added support for new DB3200 platform
Added an option to disable flash chip error checking (ECC mode 0).
It is intended to force flashing phones with obviously faulty flash chips.
Remember to always use a fully charged battery to avoid as many flash failures as possible.
Prefer using a fully charged battery to using ECC mode 0 with a weak battery
Loaders updated
GUI updated

Version 1.07 [081205]

Added support for the latest USB Flash Driver version (
Flashing speed improved
Enabled support for old Cruiser -06 dongles
Enabled support for decompressing customization ZIP files to phone FS

Version 1.06 [081007]

Loaders upgraded to version R2A065
Added support for DB3210 C905 and G705 phones
DB3150 phone list updated

To visit official Cruiser Suite forum section, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).


25/09/2009, 11:22:25
esse programa é muito bom, fácil de usar e confiável.
Cruiser 1 X 0 Setool

.: News: CruiserSuite A2 Flasher 1.12 released - Added support for SE Aino & Yari :.

Dear friends,

we have just released Cruiser Suite A2 Flasher v1.12 with enabled support for SE DB3350 CID53 phones (Aino ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) &Yari ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])).

CruiserSuite SE A2 Flasher v1.12 [090908]

Enabled support for DB3350 CID53 phones (Aino & Yari)
Updated Italian translation
Loaders updated
Download from the official downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or directly from this Rapidshare.com link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

CruiserSuite format flash files will be available soon
Reminder: CS A2 Flasher can accept also .SSW flash files.

Reminder2: All Cruiser Suite software works with any Cruiser dongle (-06 & -07 supported)
[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

Older updates info:

Version 1.11 [090610]

Enabled support for CID53 phones
Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Indonesian, Polish, Swedish and Vietnamese translations
Loaders updated
Version 1.09 [090128]

Added support for new DB3200 platform
Added an option to disable flash chip error checking (ECC mode 0).
It is intended to force flashing phones with obviously faulty flash chips.
Remember to always use a fully charged battery to avoid as many flash failures as possible.
Prefer using a fully charged battery to using ECC mode 0 with a weak battery
Loaders updated
GUI updated
Version 1.07 [081205]

Added support for the latest USB Flash Driver version (
Flashing speed improved
Enabled support for old Cruiser -06 dongles
Enabled support for decompressing customization ZIP files to phone FS
Version 1.06 [081007]

Loaders upgraded to version R2A065
Added support for DB3210 C905 and G705 phones
DB3150 phone list updated
To visit official Cruiser Suite forum section, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).


28/09/2009, 08:59:09
.: News: S1 Flasher & Unlocker v2.10 - Enabled support for AID 03 Neptune and more :.

Dear friends,

we bring you an update of world famous software for instant unlock of all SonyEricsson S1 platform based phones - S1 Flasher & Unlocker v2.10

SE S1 Flasher & Unlocker Version 2.10 [090924]

Enabled support for AID 03 phones (S1-Neptune)
Updated translations (Spanish, Czech, Hungarian, Italian)
Phone models updated
Updated loaders

Download from Cruiser Suite Downloads Section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or directly from this Rapidshare.com link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

S1 Flasher & Unlocker was the world first who brings you this unique feature - Unlock-by-Patch via Server, in signed mode.

All you need is Cruiser dongle (any) and some Supreme Credits
If you do not need this feature, you can still use the application without it, completely standalone.
Supreme credits consumption for new security S1 platform is the same as in SE Full Unlocker (click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to see the consumption policy table).

Supported phones:

S1 - Locosto (only AID-02, AID-03 will be available soon):

J132, K330, R300, R306, T250, T270, T280, T303, W205 - new!, Z250, Z320
S1 - Neptune (also AID-03):

F305, S302, S312 - new!, W302, W395 - new

Previous version info:

Version 2.05 [090323]

Updated user interface translations (Brazilian Portuguese, Swedish, Vietnamese)
Updated user interface translations (Chinese, Indonesian)
You can switch between languages of S1 Flasher & Unlocker user interface in the Settings tab
Minor fixes
For more info about older versions, see Info tab in the application.

A fraction of supreme credit is consumed prior to the unlock procedure to prevent resource abuse. If anything goes wrong, credit stays consumed. In such case we recommend to proceed with flash-and-unlock using a verified firmware. Those can be downloaded from our support area. If you need supreme credits, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to visit our resellers list.


Cruiser Team

To visit official Cruiser Suite forum section, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

29/09/2009, 09:19:00
.:News: S1 Flasher & Unlocker v2.12 - All S1 AID 03 (Neptune&Locosto) now supported:.

Hi all,

as promised, I bring you today new update of S1 Flasher & Unlocker - World famous software for instant unlock of all SonyEricsson S1 platform based phones

New SE S1 Flasher & Unlocker v2.12 [090928]

Enabled support for AID 03 phones (S1-Locosto)
Fixed serial readout in Direct-patch
Updated loaders

Download from Cruiser Suite Downloads Section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or directly from this Rapidshare.com link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

CruiserSuite S1 Flasher & Unlocker

supports instant unlock and flashing of ALL SonyEricsson S1 phones, including S1 Locosto & Neptune AID 03 platform based phones.

the world first software which has bring you the very unique feature - Unlock-by-Patch via Server, in signed mode.
(If you do not need this feature, you can still use the application without it, completely standalone.)

communicates with you in your local language (Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, Czech, Italian ... many more )

All you need is any Cruiser dongle (06 & 07 supported) and a fraction of Supreme Credit ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
Click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to see supreme credits consumption policy table.

Supported phones:

S1 - Locosto (all, AID-03 included): J132, K330, R300, R306, T250, T270, T280, T303, W205, Z250, Z320
S1 - Neptune (all, AID-03 included): F305, S302, S312, W302, W395

For more info about older versions, see Info tab in the application. If you need supreme credits, here is the resellers list ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

A fraction of supreme credit is consumed prior to the unlock procedure to prevent resource abuse. If anything goes wrong, credit stays consumed. In such case we recommend to proceed with flash-and-unlock using a verified firmware. Those can be downloaded from our support area ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]). If you need supreme credits, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to visit our resellers list.

ENJOY! [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

30/09/2009, 12:21:52
Information for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users


we have identified a problem with running our new applications in Windows Vista and Windows 7. It was caused by incompatibility of new .exe packer with these operating systems.

Re-packed installers are now ready in the support area ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]). Here are direct rapidshare links:

CruiserSuite S1 Flasher & Unlocker v2.12 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])
CruiserSuite A2 Flasher v1.12 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])
Just download it and re-install (only Vista and Windows 7 users).

Sorry and enjoy.


07/10/2009, 09:25:34
.:: News: Ultimate Unlockers 4.10 - A2 CID53 Unlock DOES NOT destroy Device Key ::.

Hi all,

while other reset-based solutions damage A2 CID53 phones' Device Key, we bring you a new update of Cruiser Team's Ultimate Unlockers which provides you with correct full unlock without destroying the phone's Device Keys.

Ultimate Unlockers v4.10 [091005]

New World First feature: A2 CID53 unlock does not destroy the device key (at no additional cost)
Loaders updated
Minor updates
Download links:

Download from Cruiser Suite Downloads Section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or following Rapidshare links:

Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker v4.10 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (requires Cruiser Dongle)
D-Ultimate Unlocker v4.10 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (non-card application)

Ultimate Unlocker

has been the First In The World application for fast, instant, full and permanent unlock and relock of almost all SonyEricsson phones. (the reset-based unlock official release date: 24. September 2008)

supports Full Instant Unlock & Full GDFS reconstruction of ALL SonyEricsson DB2020, DB2012, DB2000-PDA & DB2001-PDA platforms based phones

supports Full Instant Unlock of ALL SonyEricsson A2 platform based phones (DB3150, DB3200, DB3210), including CID53.

supports direct unlock, direct relock, and shows the codes.

can repair a damaged security zone or EROM or change the CID.

the world first software which is not damaging the Device Key while unlocking A2 CID53 phones (by full instant unlock).

communicates with you in your local language (Chinese, Indonesian, Polish, Spanish, Czech, Italian ... many more )

All you need is any Cruiser dongle (06 & 07 supported) and a fraction of Supreme Credit ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

Click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to see supreme credits consumption policy table.

Supported interface

USB: DCU-60 / DCU-65
Serial: UC10 box, UC20 box, + clones
Supported phones

C510, C702, C901, C902, C903, C905, G502, G700, G705, G900, K320, K530, K550, K550im, K610, K610im, K618, K630, K660, K770, K790, K800, K810, K850, M600, P1, P990, S500, T650, T700, T707, T715, TM506, V630, V640, W200, W508, W518, W580, W580im, W595, W595s, W610, W660, W705, W707, W710, W715, W760, W830, W850, W880, W890, W902 plus, W902, W908, W910, W950, W960, W980, W995, Z610, Z710, Z750, Z770, Z780, Jalou, Naite

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

For more info about older versions, see Info tab in the application. If you need supreme credits, here is the resellers list ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

Official Forum Section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) of Cruiser Suite.

ENJOY! [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

15/10/2009, 02:20:38
.:News: Cruiser Suite S1 Flasher & Unlocker - v2.13 released :.
Hi all,

we have just released a new update of S1 Flasher & Unlocker - World famous software for instant unlock of all SonyEricsson S1 platform based phones.

It contains some updates, including phone model list which is now sorted alphabetically - some people didn't notice that it was sorted by platform and couldn't find the phone, so we adapted it for them.

Cruiser Suite S1 Flasher & Unlocker v2.13 [091014]

Fixed stability issue related to UC20 cables
Phone model list sorted alphabetically - to improve the ease of use

Download from Cruiser Suite Downloads Section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or directly from this Rapidshare.com link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

CruiserSuite S1 Flasher & Unlocker

supports instant unlock and flashing of ALL SonyEricsson S1 phones, including S1 Locosto & Neptune AID 03 platform based phones.

the world first software which has bring you the very unique feature - Unlock-by-Patch via Server, in signed mode.
(If you do not need this feature, you can still use the application without it, completely standalone.)

communicates with you in your local language (Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, Czech, Italian ... many more )

All you need is any Cruiser dongle (06 & 07 supported) and a fraction of Supreme Credit ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

Click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to see supreme credits consumption policy table.

Supported phones:

S1 - Locosto (all, AID-03 included): J132, K330, R300, R306, T250, T270, T280, T303, W205, Z250, Z320
S1 - Neptune (all, AID-03 included): F305, S302, S312, W302, W395

For more info about older versions, see Info tab in the application. If you need supreme credits, here is the resellers list ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

A fraction of supreme credit is consumed prior to the unlock procedure to prevent resource abuse. If anything goes wrong, credit stays consumed. In such case we recommend to proceed with flash-and-unlock using a verified firmware. Those can be downloaded from our support area ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]). If you need supreme credits, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to visit our resellers list.

Official Cruiser Suite forum section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).


13/11/2009, 12:10:11
Ultimate Unlockers 5.01 - New release - Full instant unlock of DB3350 now


we bring you a new update of Cruiser Team's Ultimate Unlockers v5.01. New version now supports full unlock of all DB3350 platform based phones.

Ultimate Unlockers v5.01 [091110]

Added support for full instant unlock of all DB3350 phones (Aino, Yari, XPERIA X5 - Pureness & all future DB3350 models)
Updated DB3150 SEMCBOOT to R6A019

Download links:

Download from Cruiser Suite Downloads Section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or following Rapidshare links:

Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker v5.01 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (requires Cruiser Dongle)
D-Ultimate Unlocker v5.01 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (non-card application)


Ultimate Unlocker

supports Full Instant Unlock & Full GDFS reconstruction of ALL SonyEricsson DB2020, DB2012, DB2000-PDA & DB2001-PDA platforms based phones

supports Full Instant Unlock of ALL SonyEricsson A2 platform based phones (DB3150, DB3200, DB3210, DB3350), including CID53.

has been the First In The World application for fast, instant, full and permanent unlock and relock of almost all SonyEricsson phones. (the reset-based unlock official release date: 24. September 2008)

supports direct unlock, direct relock, and shows the codes.

can repair a damaged security zone or EROM or change the CID.

the world first software which is not damaging the Device Key while unlocking A2 CID53 phones (by full instant unlock).

communicates with you in your local language (Chinese, Indonesian, Polish, Spanish, Czech, Italian ... many more )

Click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to see supreme credits consumption policy table.

Supported interface

USB: DCU-60 / DCU-65
Serial: UC10 box, UC20 box, + clones

Supported phones

Aino, C510, C702, C901, C902, C903, C905, G502, G700, G705, G900, Jalou, K320, K530, K550, K550im, K610, K610im, K618, K630, K660, K770, K790, K800, K810, K850, M600, Naite, P1, P990, S500, T650, T700, T707, T715, TM506, V630, V640, W200, W508, W518, W580, W580im, W595, W595s, W610, W660, W705, W707, W710, W715, W760, W830, W850, W880, W890, W902 plus, W902, W908, W910, W950, W960, W980, W995, Yari, Z610, Z710, Z750, Z770, Z780, Jalou, Naite

[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

For more info about older versions, see Info tab in the application. If you need supreme credits, here is the resellers list ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).


13/11/2009, 06:07:27
Ultimate Unlockers v5.02 [091113]
I have for you minor release with small fix:

Updated and fixed phone model list
Download from Cruiser Suite Downloads Section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or following Rapidshare links:

Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker v5.02 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (requires Cruiser Dongle)
D-Ultimate Unlocker v5.02 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (no hardware key required)

09/12/2009, 02:23:41
.:: Ultimate Unlockers 5.04 - New version released ::.


we bring you a new update of Cruiser Team's Ultimate Unlockers v5.04. New version is fixing the error 0x0117D52D you could sometimes get.

Ultimate Unlockers v5.04 [091208]

Fixed the server issue (error code 0x0117D52D)
Minor updates
Download links:

Download from Ultimate Unlocker Downloads Section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or following Rapidshare links:

Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker v5.04 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (requires Cruiser Dongle)
D-Ultimate Unlocker v5.04 ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) (no hardware key required)
Official website: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])


Ultimate Unlocker

supports Full Instant Unlock & Full GDFS reconstruction of ALL SonyEricsson DB2020, DB2012, DB2000-PDA & DB2001-PDA platforms based phones

supports Full Instant Unlock of ALL SonyEricsson A2 platform based phones (DB3150, DB3200, DB3210, DB3350), including CID53.

has been the First In The World application for fast, instant, full and permanent unlock and relock of almost all SonyEricsson phones. (the reset-based unlock official release date: 24. September 200

supports direct unlock, direct relock, and shows the codes.

can repair a damaged security zone or EROM or change the CID.

the world first software which is not damaging the Device Key while unlocking A2 CID53 phones (by full instant unlock).

communicates with you in your local language (Chinese, Indonesian, Polish, Spanish, Czech, Italian ... many more )

Click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to see supreme credits consumption policy table.

Official website: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])
Supported interface

USB: DCU-60 / DCU-65
Serial: UC10 box, UC20 box, + clones
Supported phones

Aino, C510, C702, C901, C902, C903, C905, G502, G700, G705, G900, K320, K530, K550, K550im, K610, K610im, K618, K630, K660, K770, K790, K800, K810, K850, M600, P1, P990, S500, T650, T700, T707, T715, TM506, V630, V640, W200, W508, W518, W580, W580im, W595, W595s, W610, W660, W705, W707, W710, W715, W760, W830, W850, W880, W890, W902 plus, W902, W908, W910, W950, W960, W980, W995, Yari, Z610, Z710, Z750, Z770, Z780, Jalou, Naite
For more info about older versions, see Info tab in the application.

Cruiser Team
[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links])

09/12/2009, 08:40:00
.:News: S1 Flasher & Unlocker v2.15 - New version in the air :.

Hi all,

we have just released a new update of S1 Flasher & Unlocker - World famous software for instant unlock of all SonyEricsson S1 platform based phones. New version is fixing the error 0x0117D52D you could sometimes get.

SE S1 Flasher & Unlocker v2.15 [091208]

Fixed the server issue (error code 0x0117D52D)
Minor updates

Download from Ultimate Unlocker Downloads Section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or directly from this Rapidshare.com link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

CruiserSuite S1 Flasher & Unlocker

supports instant unlock and flashing of ALL SonyEricsson S1 phones, including S1 Locosto & Neptune AID 03 platform based phones.

the world first software which has bring you the very unique feature - Unlock-by-Patch via Server, in signed mode.
(If you do not need this feature, you can still use the application without it, completely standalone.)

communicates with you in your local language (Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, Czech, Italian ... many more )

All you need is any Cruiser dongle (06 & 07 supported) and a fraction of Supreme Credit ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
Click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to see supreme credits consumption policy table.

Supported phones:

S1 - Locosto (all, AID-03 included): J132, K330, R300, R306, T250, T270, T280, T303, W205, Z250, Z320
S1 - Neptune (all, AID-03 included): F305, S302, S312, W302, W395

For more info about older versions, see Info tab in the application. If you need supreme credits, here is the resellers list ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

A fraction of supreme credit is consumed prior to the unlock procedure to prevent resource abuse. If anything goes wrong, credit stays consumed. In such case we recommend to proceed with flash-and-unlock using a verified firmware. Those can be downloaded from our support area ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]). If you need supreme credits, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to visit our resellers list.


Cruiser Team

11/12/2009, 09:03:58
.: Cruiser Suite: Released 13 GB of the latest flash files and customizations :.

Dear friends,

we have just released latest flash files and customizations that can be used with your Cruiser Suite service software for flashing your SonyEricsson A2 platform based phones.

Added flash files for these A2 models:

C510, C702, C901, C902, C903, C905, G705, K770, K790, K800, K810, K950
K858, T650, T700, T707, V700, V630, V640, W200, W518, W715, W760, W995

Furthermore, we have released latest customizations for W302 and W395 phones (platform S1).

To download, visit the Download section at [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links] ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) .

Cruiser Team

PS: Don't forget that for flashing or unlocking your SonyEricsson S1 phones you don't need to be owner of Cruiser Dongle anymore. All you need is a small fraction of Supreme credit and the latest D-Flasher & Unlocker for S1 phones v2.15 . For more information, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

19/12/2009, 09:27:10
.: News: CruiserSuite A2 Flasher 1.16 released - Added support for SE Elm & Hazel :.

Dear friends,

we have just released Cruiser Suite A2 Flasher v1.16 with added support for SonyEricsson Elm ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) and Hazel ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) phones.
These phones has just been announced by SonyEricsson as upcoming next year .

Version 1.16 [091215]

Added support for flashing DB3350 Elm and Hazel phone models

Download from the official downloads section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or directly from this Rapidshare.com link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

Facts about CruiserSuite A2 Flasher

Simple, fast and most reliable tool on the market that you can use for flashing, language change or firmware update of all SonyEricsson A2 platform based phones.

Cruiser Suite flash files are available here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
Reminder: A2 Flasher can accept also .SSW flash files.

Supported phones: Aino, C510, C702, C702, C901, C902, C903, C905, G502, G705, Jalou, K630, K660, K850, K858, Naite, T700, T707, T715, TM506, TM717, V640, W508, W518, W595, W595s, W705, W707, W715, W760, W890, W902, W902 plus, W908, W910, W980, W995, Yari, Z750, Z770, Z780, Elm, Hazel

More info about CruiserSuite A2 Flasher can be found by clicking on "Info" tab inside the application.


Cruiser Team

To visit the official website, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

19/12/2009, 09:29:45
.: News: CruiserSuite S1 Flasher & Unlocker v3.00 released - Satio now supported :.

Hi all,

we have just released a new update of Cruiser Suite - CruiserSuite S1 Flasher & Unlocker v3.00. New version supports flashing and usercode reset of SE Satio™.

CruiserSuite S1 Flasher & Unlocker 3.00 [091218]

Added support for SE Satio™ - flashing and usercode reset (no supreme credit required for this functionality)

Download from Ultimate Unlocker Downloads Section ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) or directly from this Rapidshare.com link ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
Latest flash files for Satio are available at the downloads section as well.

CruiserSuite S1 Flasher & Unlocker

the world first software which has bring you the very unique feature - Unlock-by-Patch via Server, in signed mode.
(If you do not need this feature, you can still use the application without it, completely standalone.)

supports instant unlock and flashing of ALL SonyEricsson S1 phones, including S1 Locosto & Neptune AID 03 platform based phones.

supports flashing and usercode reset of SE Satio.

communicates with you in your local language (Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, Czech, Italian ... many more )

All you need is any Cruiser dongle (06 & 07 supported) and a fraction of Supreme Credit ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).
Click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to see supreme credits consumption policy table.

Supported phones:

S1 - Locosto (all, AID-03 included): J132, K330, R300, R306, T250, T270, T280, T303, W205, Z250, Z320
S1 - Neptune (all, AID-03 included): F305, S302, S312, W302, W395
SE Satio™ - flashing and usercode reset

For more info about older versions, see Info tab in the application. If you need supreme credits, here is the resellers list ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

A fraction of supreme credit is consumed prior to the unlock procedure to prevent resource abuse. If anything goes wrong, credit stays consumed. In such case we recommend to proceed with flash-and-unlock using a verified firmware. Those can be downloaded from our support area ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]). If you need supreme credits, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) to visit our resellers list.


Cruiser Team

To visit the official website, click here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

12/03/2010, 08:05:33
Cruiser Suite Free Unlocking & 0.60 EUR for SE unlock for non dongle users

Cruiser have now great promo action for next 2 weeks!

Cruiser dongle/box users can now unlock unlimited & for free all phones with SE Ultimate Unlocker & S1 Flasher & Unlocker, enjoy it!

D-Unlock suite users have also great promo action: For consumption Level 2 and up it will take only 0.05 log per 1 phone with D-Ultimate Unlocker & with D-Flasher Unlocker for S1
It means you need buy at least 3 logs to get Level 2 and you can enjoy this great oportunity instantly!
It's a amazing price for users without any unlocking boxes isn't it? [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]

15/03/2010, 10:53:25
Dear Cruiser Suite customer,



Since now until 29 March 2010


ALL SonyEricsson A1, A2 & S1 unlocks and GDFS repair done via Cruiser Suite ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]) Ultimate Unlocker and S1 Flasher Unlocker are FOR FREE !!!


Every owner of Cruiser dongle with any account on the server.
No credits needed.
If you don't have any account at cruiser server, you can create one for free by clicking here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).


If we see you are happy, we can decide to prolong this promotion anytime ;-) .
More information can be found at our forum announcement by clicking here ([Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links]).

Cruiser Team
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