Vizualizar Versão Completa : Atualizações MTBox SE >> DB2020 Inside V3.4 (28-11-07

28/11/2007, 10:02:34
>> DB2020 inside v3.4 - Unlimited CID52 unlock (28-11-07) <<

Whats new:

- Added DB2020 CID 52 unlimited unlock
- User manual updated, please check it before start to do anything

Users who have installed DB2020 inside v3.3 can download and install "DB2020inside_v3.4_for_v3.3_users_only.exe"
New users need to download full installation "DB2020 inside v3.4.exe"


This year Santa Klaus will come before the time

29/10/2008, 08:48:10
ola a todos...
alguem poderia posta os seguintes aqrquivos...
CID 52 Unlock Part1.act
CID 52 Unlock Part2.act
tive um problema no micro e acabei perdendo... e na versão atual não tem os danados.

diego R de Macedo
21/07/2009, 02:32:50
15.06.2008 - Symb inside v1.7

Release notes:

- Supported unlock via server for all Symbian models (10 GT server credits)
- Added new open signed drivers
- Problem in communication with server resolved

Please note:

Use only Symb inside v1.7 or higher to unlock phones via server.
Old versions cant connect to server anymore.

Usually you can download these files from support sites.

The software can be used with all MT box SonyEricsson and upgraded MT box Nokia/RED to MT box SE.
How to upgrade your MT box to MT box SonyEricsson unlimited

Griffin Team