Vizualizar Versão Completa : Cruiser+ SonyEricsson A2 Flasher v1.01

18/01/2008, 05:07:12
Cruiser+ SonyEricsson A2 Flasher v1.01

Programa para efetuar flash na plataforma A2 (DB3150) sem uso de créditos e internet Obs.: Para utilizar este programa é necessário Cruiser Plus Pro (ID 07).

Favor postarem todas as versões referente ao programa apenas neste topico.

18/01/2008, 05:49:39
Parabens Amigão pela novidade!

22/01/2008, 05:44:32
parabens ligtel! sempre saindo na frente!

22/01/2008, 07:21:11
we have finished and released the first version of SonyEricsson DB3150 (A2) flasher as a component of new called Cruiser Suite. Ofcourse every owner of Cruiser+ card can use it for free, even without connection to internet. All needed is to download proper flash files from one of our support areas, plug the cable to phone and work.

If you are not owner of Cruiser+ card (CardID ending by -07), you can buy it quickly by contacting any of our distributors or resellers here:
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Cruiser+ SonyEricsson A2 Flasher is flexible tool which allows you to flash your SonyEricsson A2 (DB3150) based phone.

Basic features:
- Flashing of all A2 (DB3150) SonyEricsson phones
- Free for all Cruiser+ users (don\'t forget to plug your dongle to USB)
- Many flash files already on support area, and more other are being now uploaded
- Simple GUI

Please visit our forum announcement for more information:
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You can download our brand new SonyEricsson A2 flasher from our support area :
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(login/password = cruiser)

or from rapidshare here:
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Cruiser Team
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11/03/2008, 01:23:26
we would like to inform you that D-Client - the best online SonyEricsson flashing tool (no box needed) - no supports flashing for all A2 plattform based phones.

We would also like to announce you new release of D-Client Guide which you can download immediatelly from these links:
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(user: cruiser, pass: cruiser)

Feel free to contact any our resellers to buy logs or to become our new reseller via our site :

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(our prices are the world best)

or others linked closely to us:

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Best Regards,

Cruiser/D-Client Team

PS: If you would like to unsubscribe from our mailing list, please write mail back with subject : Unsubscribe me. Thank you.